Pierceton, IN Nov 9, 2011 – Pierceton based Paragon Medical and its Founder and CEO Tobias Buck were inducted into the Kosciusko County Entrepreneur and Innovation Hall of Fame on Thursday, November 8th in Warsaw, Indiana. As a member of only the second Hall of Fame class, Paragon was among six businesses chosen from orthopaedics, agriculture, recreational-boat, manufacturing and retail industries.
The award honors both the company as a whole and the key entrepreneur behind its success. According to the Kosciusko Economic Development Corporation (KEDCo), who sponsors the award, it was created to not only recognize entrepreneurial organizations in the community but also to reinforce the pride of employees and citizens in the success of the local business environment and position Kosciusko County for a growing and vital economic future.
Paragon Medical began as a vision in 1991 to become the total delivery solution to the worldwide market, providing custom surgical instruments and implantable components as well as polymer, metal and hybrid case and tray delivery systems, with all the design and manufacturing support capabilities integrated into one campus.
With only a little over 20 years in business, Paragon has become a leading tier 1, turnkey supplier of world-class solutions to the medical device marketplace. The company has grown from a start-up business with only a handful of employees to a global company approaching 1,000 employees and multiple manufacturing locations in three countries.
“Paragon Medical has a culture that reflects Toby’s personality and beliefs”, commented Sheryl Conley, OrthoWorx CEO in her introductory comments for Buck’s award at the induction ceremony. “That it’s about quality and relationships, working together for a common good. Paragon has brought world-class technology in design, manufacturing and quality to their business. But anyone who knows Toby will tell you Paragon is a people business, because Toby is about making, building and keeping relationships that stand the test of time.”
Daniel Owens, Paragon Medical’s Worldwide Director of New Product Introduction and Engineering, who has also been with the company since the beginning, accepted the award on behalf of the company. Tobias Buck, Paragon’s Chairman and CEO accepted the award on his own behalf.
Category: news
OsoBio President Milton Boyer Appointed to DCAT Executive Committee
Albuquerque, NM Nov 8, 2012 – Milton Boyer, president of OsoBio, has been appointed to the executive committee of the Drug, Chemical and Associated Technologies Association (DCAT).
Boyer – whose term began Nov. 1 – will represent the contract formulation, fill, finish, and contract packaging industry as segment vice president. Boyer joined the DCAT board of directors last year.
Founded in 1891, DCAT is the premier business development association whose membership consists of companies that manufacture, distribute or provide services to the pharmaceutical, chemical and related industries. More than 300 corporate members belong to DCAT.
“DCAT is one of the most unique trade organizations in our industry. Because it is truly member-run, each individual has an opportunity to make a distinctive impact, and new initiatives continue to increase the organization’s value proposition,” Boyer said. “I am honored to be selected for this position by my industry peers and look forward to serving in my new role.”
In addition to his board membership at DCAT, Boyer is a member of the International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers (ISPE) and the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS).
OSO BioPharmaceuticals Manufacturing LLC – OsoBio for short – is a contract manufacturing organization (CMO) that specializes in delivering injectable sterile liquid, suspension and lyophilized biologic and pharmaceutical products to the pharmaceutical industry. The company offers significant knowledge and experience in late-phase clinical products and successfully taking them to commercialization.
In the history of its Albuquerque, N.M., facility, OsoBio has manufactured more than 250 distinct commercial presentations in every major therapeutic category. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has granted OsoBio registrations for Schedule II through V controlled substances.
Oasis Outsourcing CEO Mark Perlberg Elected Chairman of Employer Services Assurance Corporation
West Palm Beach, FL Nov 6, 2012 – Mark Perlberg, President and CEO of Oasis Outsourcing, has been elected Chairman of the Employer Services Assurance Corporation (ESAC) and will lead the association’s board of directors in administering its accreditation program for the $81 billion professional employer organization (PEO) industry.
“Mark’s years of leadership experience and his demonstrated expertise in strategic development provide an ideal combination of skills and experience to lead ESAC’s board of directors,” said Jane McCoggins, ESAC COO. “His background is a perfect foundation to help enhance ESAC’s work in providing financial assurance and independent verification of a PEO’s compliance with financial, ethical and operational standards for business owners seeking to outsource human resource functions to a PEO.”
“I am honored to be involved in ESAC, which is such an important organization to the PEO industry,” said Perlberg. “As chairman, I hope to work collectively to streamline the ESAC accreditation process and support the needs of PEOs throughout the country— while maintaining the organization’s integrity, mission and values.”
ESAC accredited PEOs, providing human resources management, employee benefits, payroll and workers’ compensation, serve businesses representing over $40 billion in annual employee wages.
Oasis Outsourcing, like all ESAC accredited PEOs, undergoes rigorous examination by outside experts, who conduct background investigations and review business functions, including employment and service practices, financial and accounting standards, and applicable state and federal regulations. As part of its accreditation process, ESAC also monitors each PEO’s quarterly internal and annual audited financial statements as well as quarterly verifications by an independent CPA of the PEO’s appropriate payment of taxes, benefit contributions and insurance premiums.
“The value of ESAC accreditation is easy for business owners to understand,” said Perlberg. The primary benefit is the verification of each accredited PEO’s adherence to important industry standards. As an additional value, ESAC’s PEO Client Assurance Program, which is comparable to the FDIC insurance program for the banking industry, provides for financial reimbursement to clients, worksite employees, vendors and taxing authorities in the event the accredited PEO does not perform its service obligations for the payment of wages, payroll taxes, contributions to employee retirement plans, workers’ compensation premiums and group life and health insurance premiums. This assurance is backed by $11 million in surety bonds held in Trust through the ESAC Client Assurance Program.
Sparta Systems Announces That PPD Selects TrackWise® Quality Management Software
Hamilton, NJ Oct 30, 2012 – Sparta Systems, Inc., the market leader in enterprise quality and compliance management solutions, today announced that Pharmaceutical Product Development, LLC (PPD) has chosen TrackWise as its quality management system. PPD will use the software to centralize the management of its global quality and compliance processes, including audits and Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPAs). PPD is a leading global contract research organization (CRO) providing drug discovery, development and lifecycle management services with offices in 46 countries.
In addition to its centralized administration, the Web-based Enterprise Quality Management System provides scalability to meet PPD’s future growth needs. Many of PPD’s pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device clients use TrackWise to manage their own quality management processes, offering PPD a high level of compatibility with its clients. TrackWise also easily integrates with PPD’s existing systems to ensure continued flow of processes across the entire organization.
“The TrackWise software allows us to build upon our electronic quality management operations by further integrating and globalizing our quality-focused processes,” said Neil McCullough, Ph.D., vice president of global quality and compliance at PPD. “Technology is playing a larger role in managing global quality operations, and this software will enable us to create customized solutions and increase efficiencies for our clients, saving them valuable time and money.”
Sparta Systems has experience working with global CROs, and PPD will leverage Sparta Systems’ best-of-breed technology to deliver centralized, consolidated quality management tracking, workflow management and regulatory reporting across the globe. PPD will use TrackWise for CAPA and audit management for Good Clinical Practices (GCP), Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
“The TrackWise solution was designed with the configurability to help diverse service organizations like PPD meet the expanding needs of their businesses,” said Michael Jovanis, vice president, product management, Sparta Systems. “We are confident that with TrackWise, PPD will meet its needs for enterprise-level, global quality management and compliance.”
IMG and ACM Provide International Travel Guidance In Light of New Viruses Discovered
Indianapolis, IN Oct 25, 2012 – With the recent emergence of several new human viruses, including a SARS-like coronavirus originating in Saudi Arabia, International Medical Group®, Inc. (IMG®), a worldwide leader in designing, distributing and administering global health care benefits, is addressing concerns from international travelers and customers.
Since the 2003 SARS outbreak, in which the virus claimed more than 900 lives worldwide, awareness and concern throughout the international community regarding viral infections and communicable diseases has been on the rise. Moreover, with recent reports of several new viruses affecting human populations, many international travelers are worried. However according to Dr. Jon Hart, Chief Medical Officer at Akeso Care Management®, Inc. (ACM®), IMG’s in-house URAC accredited, medical management service division, the international medical community has vastly improved its detection of and response to diseases of this nature, since the SARS outbreak. In 2005 the World Health Organization (WHO) drafted new International Health Regulations that require participating countries to immediately report disease outbreaks to the WHO, and to develop detailed plans-of-action and response capacities.
“Even with improved international coordination and communication, there are still some commonsense tips that can help travelers prepare for a trip and possibly prevent illness while traveling,” said Dr. Hart. “Practicing good hygiene is one of the most important measures. Washing your hands, avoiding close contact with others who are sick, and covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing; are all considered good standards of care and basic steps travelers can take to avoid illness.”
IMG and ACM offered the following additional tips:
Review current travel warnings and recommended vaccinations for different countries. www.healthmap.org/en/ is an informational site that lists current warnings and communicable disease information.
Keep your medicines with you at all times. Do not check them in your luggage and do not leave them out in the open in your hotel room.
If there is any question about the quality of the local water – don’t drink it.
Review your domestic health insurance policy to determine if you are covered for accidents and illnesses outside of your home country. If you are not, consider purchasing a travel medical insurance policy with the appropriate benefits based on your travel plans.
Know your policy’s emergency travel assistance number.
IMG recommends that any of its members seeking treatment outside of the U.S., utilize its International Provider AccessSM (IPA) database, a network that includes more than 17,000 physicians and facilities worldwide. The network can be accessed via IMG’s customer portal, MyIMGSM, and users can search by physician, facility, specialty or location.
Dr. Hart added that IMG and ACM will continue to monitor the coronavirus situation and the impact it is having on the international community, but in the meantime according to the World Health Organization (WHO), international border closures are not recommended and there are no disease related travel restrictions at this time.
OsoBio appoints Alan P. Heim to Vice President of Human Resources
Albuquerque, NM Oct 3, 2012 – OSO BioPharmaceuticals Manufacturing, LLC, has appointed Alan P. Heim as vice president of human resources.
In his capacity, Heim administers all policies and programs that affect personnel at OsoBio, including issues such as organizational planning; recruitment, hiring and training; employee compensation, performance and benefits; information technology; and labor-related government regulations.
Heim – who has a strong background in organizational leadership and change – brings to OsoBio tremendous experience managing people.
He served for more than 20 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, advancing to the rank of colonel. Among his many tours of duty worldwide included a two-time assignment to the Washington, D.C.-based Joint Operations Staff functioning under then-chairman Gen. Colin Powell.
Upon retiring from the Marines, Heim joined ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc. – now Valeant Pharmaceuticals – as director of organizational planning and development. In 2000, he co-founded Lathian Systems Inc., a software and marketing solutions company for the life-science industry. While there, he helped raise $17 million in venture capital funding, contributed to the company’s profitability and grew it to 40 employees. Most recently, Heim served as vice president of human resources for Directed Electronics.
“OsoBio is growing in large part because of the knowledge, expertise, flexibility and responsiveness of our employees,” said Milton Boyer, president. “Alan has been key in identifying and recruiting people who embrace and exemplify OsoBio’s entrepreneurial culture.”
Heim completed a research fellowship at Harvard University, where he studied and wrote about organizational leadership and change. He earned his master’s degree in human-resource management from Pepperdine University, and was certified as a Senior Professional of Human Resources.
OsoBio promotes Bob Cashman to Vice President of Business Development
Albuquerque, NM Sep 18, 2012 – Robert “Bob” Cashman has been promoted to vice president of business development at OSO BioPharmaceuticals Manufacturing, LLC.
In his new role, Cashman is responsible for developing and executing strategies to expand the company’s injectable pharmaceutical contract manufacturing business. He also will oversee existing and potential customer relationships, manage pricing structures, and direct strategic corporate alliances.
Cashman, who joined OsoBio in 2009, previously served as director of new business development for the company’s East Coast market. He steps into a position vacated by Milton Boyer, who was appointed president of OsoBio in February.
“Bob has consistently demonstrated a keen ability to foster existing and new client opportunities for OsoBio,” Boyer said. “As OsoBio continues to successfully grow as a CMO renowned for world-class customer care, project management and regulatory compliance, I know Bob will help us achieve the goals we’ve set for ourselves.”
With more than 20 years of experience in contract pharmaceutical and biotechnology manufacturing, Cashman is a board member of the Philadelphia Drug Exchange, the oldest continually active trade organization in the United States. A member of the Parenteral Drug Association, he also heads the scholarship committee for the Drug, Chemical and Associated Technologies Association (DCAT). Cashman holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Villanova University.
M2S Introduces the Analytics and Reporting Engine to the Vascular Quality Initiative®
West Lebanon, NH Sep 14, 2012 – M2S, Inc., the exclusive technology provider for the Society for Vascular Surgery® Vascular Quality Initiative® announces the release of its Analytics and Reporting Engine. This new reporting tool further enhances the value of the VQI® by empowering users to perform complex analyses with just a few mouse clicks.
The Analytics and Reporting Engine sets the VQI apart, providing custom reporting capabilities to give users complete control of their data analysis. Participants of the VQI may now select variables of interest and filter their data set to a desirable patient population for specific analyses. Additionally, users are able to benchmark results with their peers for further comparison of outcomes.
The value of benchmarking improves as VQI participation continues to expand. Today there are 200 centers and over 1,000 physicians collecting data in the VQI. Regional quality groups continue to develop as well and implement quality improvement projects to affect patient care at the local level. The SVS Patient Safety Organization (PSO) plans to accredit eight new regional groups by the end of this year in addition to the ten that are currently organized.
The VQI recently reached another milestone, capturing over 3,500 new procedures each month, making this the fastest growing, validated arterial vascular registry from which to benchmark. The Analytics and Reporting Engine further enhances the control and utility of that data to improve patient care, communicate about the best practices for delivering care with attention to containing costs.
Enhancements to Patriot T.R.I.P. Series
Indianapolis, IN Sep 11, 2012 – International Medical Group®, Inc. (IMG®), a worldwide leader in designing, distributing and administering global health care benefits, announced it enhanced its travel insurance product line, adding to its diverse product portfolio. The Patriot T.R.I.P.® (Travel Itinerary Protection) series of products targets travelers in various markets and provides a wealth of benefits to help protect their vacation investments from costly travel delay, baggage and medical expenses. Insured travelers may also recover non-refundable, unused payments and deposits when a trip is cancelled or interrupted for a variety of reasons.
According to Jeff Nasser, senior vice president of international marketing at IMG, travelers should prepare for the unexpected. “Anything can happen when you travel. Unfortunately, unforeseen events can quickly ruin your travel plans, and that time and money you spent may be lost. These benefits and services are designed to make your trip as stress-free as possible.”
The four programs within the Patriot T.R.I.P. series are underwritten by Sirius America Insurance Company (Sirius America). As a wholly owned subsidiary of Sirius International Insurance Corporation (publ) (Stockholm, Sweden), Sirius America is rated A (Excellent) by A.M. Best. Some of the benefits include:
* Coverage for trip durations to 31 days (options available for longer durations)
* Trip cancellation protection in the event of a stolen passport or visa;
* Trip cancellation protection for work reasons;
* Missed connection coverage;
* Trip cancellation due to a family member’s participation in an athletic championship event; and
* Coverage for theft of mobile business equipment.
Separate from these benefits, the programs provide non-insurance emergency travel assistance, such as helping insureds replace lost travel documents or lost prescriptions, embassy or consulate referral, emergency cash transfers, and legal and medical referrals when necessary.
Mr. Nasser added, “Our goal is to support our customers’ unique needs. By offering a multitude of travel insurance programs that are backed by world-class services, we can help safeguard their travel investments from unforeseen circumstances and provide true Global Peace of Mind®.”
Sparta Systems Named 2012 Software Company of the Year by New Jersey Technology Council
Holmdel, NJ Sep 5, 2012 – Sparta Systems, Inc., the market leader in enterprise quality and compliance management solutions, today announced that it has been named the 2012 Software Company of the Year by the New Jersey Technology Council (NJTC). The award recognizes the Company as a leader among New Jersey technology vendors based on its industry impact, growth rate and success in the marketplace. Sparta will officially receive its honors in Somerset, New Jersey on Thursday, November 15, 2012 during the annual NJTC awards ceremony.
With impressive company growth statistics and accomplishments, Sparta was able to stand out from the competition and receive top billing. Notable successes in the past year include the 450th deployment of TrackWise, the Company’s flagship software product, exceeding 500,000 TrackWise users worldwide, securing the top 30 pharmaceutical companies, eight of the top 10 medical device manufacturers, as well as several leading consumer product and electronic manufacturers as customers.
“With a strategic focus of expanding our company presence and growing our customer base in New Jersey and around the world, this award acknowledges our efforts to be a technology leader in the state, and beyond,” said Eileen Martinson, chief executive officer of Sparta Systems. “This recognition also validates our ability to provide unique and proven enterprise quality management solutions needed to help global organizations deliver their products and services to market, safely and efficiently.”
The New Jersey Tech Council is the leader in connecting companies, capital and governments with technology in the state of New Jersey. Founded in 1996, the NJTC boasts more than 1,000 member companies that are helping to make New Jersey a center for technology leadership and innovation. At the Council’s 16th annual awards gala, New Jersey technology companies and their leaders will be recognized and celebrated for their business accomplishments in technological innovation.
NJTC’s President and CEO, Maxine Ballen couldn’t be more pleased by the tremendous success and growth Sparta Systems has displayed over the recent months. “This is exactly the kind of company New Jersey and the region wants to keep right here. We are thrilled to see Sparta Systems acknowledged and honored for their accomplishments, and we look forward to celebrating with them on November 15th.”
Sparta joins the ranks of past Software Company of the Year winners including, AT&T Solutions, Voxware, RedVision and CyberShift. For more information about the 2012 awards, including details on honorees and sponsors, please visit, http://www.njtc.org/events/gala2012/home.html.