Wayne, PA and Alpharetta, GA May 10, 2011 — Precyse, a leader in health information management (HIM) services and technologies, announces the appointment of industry veteran Chris Powell as its new President. The newly created position marks a next step in the company’s evolution, as it unveils a new corporate identity and launches a revolutionary Natural Language Comprehension™ (NLC) computer-assisted collaborative workflow platform, precyseCode™, the most advanced health information management platform available today.
View Mr. Powell’s video address on the healthcare environment today and the critical role Precyse plays in simplifying clients’ everyday challenges, maximizing their current IT investments and enhancing their information flow.
Mr. Powell will be responsible for the overall day-to-day operational performance and leadership of Precyse, including implementing strategic operational plans to advance the company’s mission and objectives. He will be responsible for operations, service delivery, sales, marketing, finance and information technology and will be a member of the organization’s Executive Council, along with the Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer and the President of the Precyse Advanced Technologies division. Reporting to Precyse Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and founder Jeffrey Levitt, Mr. Powell will join efforts with the Executive Council in evolving the company along the path to a sophisticated technology-enhanced services model, including focus on product development and enhancements, engagement in merger and acquisition and channel partnership opportunities.
“The timing of this important appointment could not be better,” said Levitt. “The healthcare industry is facing tremendous change, and along with that change are some significant challenges. Precyse is dedicated to continually evolving in order to help our clients meet those challenges head on. The evolution in our new corporate identity and our new technological solution, precyseCode, both reflect the innovation with which we are approaching the management of healthcare information. It is fitting that we appoint someone who has the skills and experience to guide us through this crucial time in our history, Chris Powell is the ideal choice. He brings extensive general management and healthcare IT experience to this role, and also the leadership and management skills required for a cross-functional team such as ours. Throughout his career, he has consistently excelled, meeting or exceeding both professional and company goals. I am very pleased that Chris will be joining us at such an exciting time.”
Prior to joining Precyse, Mr. Powell served as Vice President and General Manager of GE Healthcare Americas Commercial Healthcare IT business including the US, Canada, Central and South America, where he was responsible for the operation and execution of the firm’s commercial business plan, resulting in generating over $1 billion in revenue. He also managed a complex organizational matrix where he was focused on driving a connected employee culture using a multidimensional and innovative communication strategy. Prior to GE, Mr. Powell worked at IDX Systems Corporation, which was then acquired by GE Healthcare in 2006. During his 14-year tenure with IDX, he held a variety of roles, including Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Vice President of Sales and Director of Sales. Prior to IDX, he started his career as a Sales Representative at IBM Corporation, where he worked for five years and was responsible for generating new business for its healthcare division. He also was a member of IBM’s 100% Club and Commanders Club. Mr. Powell and his family will relocate from Vermont to Georgia, and he will work out of the Precyse office in Alpharetta.
Category: news
PrecyseCode™ Improves Coding Quality and Productivity, Enabling Providers to Accelerate Meaningful Use of the Electronic Health Record and Prepare for ICD-10
Wayne, PA and Alpharetta, GA May 03, 2011 — Precyse, a leader in health information management (HIM) services and technologies, announces the general availability of precyseCode™, the most advanced and comprehensive health information management platform available today. PrecyseCode is driven by state-of-the-art technologies that understand and process human voice, converting it to text and transforming it to information. Now commercially available, the precyseCode software features Computer-Assisted Coding that uses unique Natural Language Comprehension™ (NLC) to create a patient’s clinical story, allowing for the assignment of appropriate, compliant ICD-9 and ICD-10 diagnosis codes, procedure codes and SNOMED clinical terminology.
NLC is achieved through the unique combination of M*Modal’s contextual understanding technology with Precyse’s collaborative technology platform and extensive coding and clinical documentation expertise. PrecyseCode is the industry’s first computer-assisted and NLC-driven intelligent workflow solution. This powerful combination provides a single, comprehensive platform to optimize coding processes, accelerate revenue cycles, and support healthcare organizations as they navigate through compliance challenges, Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) initiatives, migrate to ICD-10, and meet health reform and Meaningful Use initiatives head on.
“While accurate and efficient coding may be at the heart of the overwhelming challenges facing healthcare providers today, automated systems that merely provide ‘coding-only’ solutions will not suffice,” said Ken Lacy, President and General Manager of Precyse Advanced Technologies, the R&D division of Precyse. “precyseCode represents an automated coding solution that goes beyond coding to unify and optimize the entire workflow process, from physicians to coders to clinical staff and to management. We’ve already seen 20% increases in coder productivity with precyseCode, and we expect that figure to climb as high as 50% as the system ‘learns’ from its earlier coding assignments.”
Lacy added, “Rather than reengineering existing automated systems to adapt to the changing healthcare environment, our goal was to develop a ‘from the ground up’ solution that would meet all of the current and future needs of healthcare providers. We carefully analyzed all of the various user needs and built solutions for them into precyseCode. We are extremely pleased with the result, and believe that it is the type of single solution that providers will need to be successful in the future.”
A key feature of precyseCode is its NLC capability, which reads both structured and unstructured data and reorganizes it into better, more understandable information that supports powerful capture and interpretation of clinical findings. This episode-specific patient narrative is then electronically tagged to be easily searched, mined and analyzed. Combined with NLC, real-time dashboards provide a unified view for everyone involved in the documentation workflow process. And since precyseCode already includes SNOMED (Systemized Nomenclature of Medicine) and ICD-10 codes, it allows coders to begin learning ICD-10 immediately, offsetting any anticipated declines in productivity and assuring a smooth transition in October 2013.
Lacy also noted that precyseCode offers healthcare providers a means of reducing costs and finding new sources of revenue. “The product has been proven to minimize coding backlogs, facility DNFB levels, RAC exposure and denied claims and to accelerate revenue cycles,” he said. “By allowing and processing physician queries directly in the system, it allows clinical documentation that more accurately describes the level of care provided. And by making coders more productive, it reduces the need for outside contract staffing resources to accommodate overflow.”
PrecyseCode is already achieving noteworthy results in various healthcare organizations around the nation. For example, Precyse and M*Modal have partnered with Geisinger Health System to put precyseCode’s ICD-10-ready automated clinical documentation and NLC coding software to work. At Geisinger, the software will bridge medical dictation, transcription, coding and clinical documentation improvement (CDI) processes by capturing physician dictation, editing it, coding it and directing it into electronic health record (EHR) software platform. Based in Danville, Pa., Geisinger Health System is widely recognized for its implementation of innovative care models and deployment of state of the art technologies. Using precyseCode, Geisinger physicians can dictate directly into the EHR with minimal impact to their workflow patterns. Clinical information is electronically tagged to be easily searched, mined and analyzed by healthcare team members responsible for driving hospital care and outcomes. Geisinger and Precyse aim to see this collaborative technology replicated across the country.
“Our main goals are to optimize the coding process, improve workflow and accelerate ICD-10 transition,” said Joan Topper, Vice President, IT Optimization, Geisinger Health System. “The management and coding teams at Geisinger are already seeing early improvements in both productivity and workflow, and I’m confident that this trend will continue as we go forward. We are all very excited to use one system that meets all of our facility and professional coding needs.”
The Baptist Health System (BHS) in Birmingham, Ala., also uses precyseCode to resolve a variety of challenges in its centralized coding department that supports four acute care hospital operations. According to Chloe Phillips, Corporate Director of HIM, BHS, “precyseCode technologies have simplified processes and streamlined our workflow. It has been instrumental in increasing productivity, accuracy and quality, while accelerating our revenue cycle and significantly reducing costs.”
Precyse Unveils New Corporate Identity
Wayne, PA and Alpharetta, GA May 02, 2011 — Precyse, a leader in health information management (HIM) services and technologies, has introduced a new corporate brand identity featuring a new logo, a new company name and a new URL (precyse.com). The new corporate identity is designed to more accurately reflect the breakthrough technologies and comprehensive and holistic blend of services that are sparking true innovations in the flow of health information throughout the hospital environment, significantly improving the flow of revenue, work and patient data.
“Our goal is to provide hospitals and healthcare systems with the most comprehensive, integrated and cost-effective solutions to their information management processes in the most simplified manner possible,” said Jeffrey Levitt, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Precyse. “Our mission is particularly critical in the current healthcare environment, which is faced with constant challenges and changes, including the ICD-10 transition, pay-for.performance programs, Meaningful Use and other healthcare reform initiatives. We wanted our corporate identity to clearly capture both the power and simplicity of our solutions, and I believe that it does just that.”
Levitt said that the company’s new brand identity system was designed to communicate four principles on which Precyse is built: expertise, innovation, simplicity and precision. The first step in the rebranding initiative was to remove the word “Solutions” from the company name. “‘Precyse’ is simpler, and it’s how our customers refer to us, so we’ve embraced that,” said Levitt. The company’s website address has changed as well from precysesolutions.com to precyse.com to reflect the simplified name. The new company logo also reflects a fresh and simpler look, with the company logotype carefully crafted in lowercase letters and highlighting the unique spelling of “Precyse” with a “y” and the precision that the company embraces. The corporate colors, which have been changed from shades of blue to orange and deep red, convey the dynamics of expertise, innovation and precision.
The introduction of the new corporate identity comes as Precyse launches precyseCode™, the most advanced and comprehensive health information management platform available today. PrecyseCode is driven by state-of-the-art technologies that understand and process human voice, converting it to text and transforming it into information. PrecyseCode features Computer-Assisted Coding that uses unique Natural Language Comprehension™ (NLC) to create a patient’s clinical story, allowing for the assignment of appropriate, compliant ICD-9 and ICD-10 diagnosis codes, procedure codes and SNOMED clinical terminology.
“Rather than reengineering existing automated systems to adapt to the changing healthcare environment, our goal was to begin from the ground up to develop a solution that would meet all of the current and future needs of healthcare providers,” said Ken Lacy, President and General Manager of the Precyse Advanced Technologies division. “We carefully analyzed all of these needs and built solutions for them into precyseCode. The simplicity of our new corporate identity now goes hand in hand with the simplicity of our flagship product.”
Survey Finds Quality Management and ERP Software Integration Critical to Halt Contaminated Batches at Pharmaceutical Organizations
Holmdel, NJ Apr 27, 2011 – Forward-thinking pharmaceutical organizations that have integrated their quality management solutions with enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are commonly leveraging these integrations to place batches of manufactured products on hold, according to new data revealed today. The survey of more than 100 pharmaceutical manufacturing professionals, conducted by Sparta Systems, Inc., the maker of TrackWise® quality management software and the market leader in enterprise quality and compliance management solutions, found that 65 percent of the companies integrating these key systems use the resulting functionality to automatically place batches on hold, a critical function that ensures incidents in the manufacturing process do not effect the products ultimately delivered to the market.
More and more, organizations are implementing best-of-breed quality management software solutions to automate vital quality processes, as well as integrating these systems with ERP solutions to ensure organization-wide management of these processes. According to the survey data from Sparta Systems:
• Seventy-five percent of organizations that have purchased dedicated quality management software either have integrated or plan to integrate it with their ERP system
• Of those organizations that have already undertaken such an integration, more than 70 percent view the ability to more quickly find the appropriate batch information after identifying non-conformances – and to put a batch on hold once the non-conformance is identified – as key benefits of the integration
• Other major benefits of integration include: ability to maintain one master product list instead of having multiple product lists in different systems (82 percent); ability to more efficiently track customer complaints back to the original batch (59 percent); and the ability to correlate non-conformances and customer complaints back to specific products and batches (47 percent)
“It’s clear from this survey data that pharmaceutical companies are seeing tremendous advantages in integrating their purpose-built quality management and ERP software systems,” said Tim Mohn, Industry Principal, Sparta Systems. “The best quality management solutions on the market allow for seamless integration with these systems, and forward-thinking organizations are clearly realizing this. In doing so, they’re helping to ensure that the processes used to manufacture their products are streamlined across the organization, while these products are delivered to market with complete assurance of their safety for public consumption.”
Click here to learn more about the enterprise integration capabilities built into Sparta Systems’ TrackWise Enterprise Quality Management Software.
M2S adds thoracic endovascular aortic repair to its Clinical Data Pathways registry
West Lebanon, NH Apr 21, 2011 — M2S, Inc., a leading provider of medical image and clinical data analysis services, has added the thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) procedure form to its Clinical Data Pathways vascular quality improvement database, with the release of version 1.10 of the system. The Clinical Data Pathways database is the registry platform utilized by the Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI), and now collects data on eight vascular procedures – carotid endarterectomy, carotid artery stent, open and endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms, infra-inguinal and supra-inguinal bypass, peripheral vascular intervention, and TEVAR.
Clinical Data Pathways is a secure, web-based system for data entry and real-time benchmarked report generation. Pathways provides a common platform for VQI participating centers and physicians to collect data on pre-operative risk factors, intra-procedural variables, post-procedural outcomes, and one year follow-up data. Under the auspices of the Society for Vascular Surgery® Patient Safety Organization (SVS PSO), participants can analyze outcomes and processes of care, reinforce best practices, and share quality improvement efforts regionally, nationally, and internationally. Centers participating in VQI can also satisfy the requirements for Part IV of the Maintenance of Certification of the American Board of Surgery, collect the necessary data to meet CMS’ Carotid Artery Stent Facility Recertification, and participate in PQRS (Physician Quality Reporting System).
A key component of VQI is the formation of regional vascular quality improvement groups within the SVS PSO for the sharing of data to initiate quality improvement projects in an effort to improve patient care. The real-time, benchmarked reports generated through the Pathways system allows regional groups and participating centers to continuously assess themselves compared to an anonymous group of peers on key performance measures. Currently, regional quality groups are organized or organizing in New England, the Mid-Atlantic, the Carolinas, Florida, Texas, Southern California, Virginia, Michigan, and Ontario, Canada. The continued formation and expansion of regional quality groups will create a greater value for benchmarking clinical data among hospitals, as well as the rapid accumulation of data that can leverage quality improvement initiatives for detecting root causes of outcomes and improving long-term patient surveillance.
HealthTech Teams with Allscripts to Connect Physicians and Hospitals
Franklin, TN Apr 13, 2011 — HealthTech, LLC today announced an agreement with Allscripts to become an authorized reseller of Allscripts MyWay physician Electronic Health Record (EHR) and practice management software.
The value-added agreement provides additional growth opportunities for both companies as it represents an important addition to HealthTech’s well-established revenue cycle, technology and hospital management services. Allscripts MyWay is an ONC-ATCB certified EHR with integrated practice management and claims management that helps independent and small physician practices improve the quality, safety and efficiency of their patient services. Physicians who adopt an ONC-ATCB certified EHR and demonstrate its “meaningful use” can qualify for between $44,000 and $64,000 in payments under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
“We are very excited to expand our relationship with Allscripts to become a value-added partner for their MyWay physician EHR system,” said Derek Morkel, CEO of HealthTech. “HealthTech has a long history of helping community hospitals across the United States improve their operational, clinical and margin management expertise. Over the past several years, we have expanded our portfolio to include technology and revenue cycle products and services. We see this agreement with the leading EHR company as a great addition as we help our hospitals navigate the technological transformation that our industry is facing. HealthTech will now be able to assist rural and community hospitals and their associated physician groups attain meaningful use in a cost effective and efficient manner.”
Designed specifically to meet the needs of small physician practices, the Allscripts MyWay EHR is available via Software as a Service (SaaS) over the Internet or as an on-premise application installed on a server. The web-based SaaS approach provides additional flexibility by enabling physician practices to avoid many upfront and ongoing expenses tied to equipment, IT personnel and operations.
“To qualify for the maximum amount of federal incentives under ARRA, physicians must have an electronic health record in place and must be using it in their everyday practice as soon as possible,” said Kelley Schudy, Vice President of Channel for AllScripts. “We are pleased to team with HealthTech in helping hospitals provide their affiliated and independent physicians with a practical, cost-effective EHR and practice management solution from a trusted partner.”
Sparta Systems Announces TrackWise Connection 2011: European and North American User Conferences
Holmdel, NJ Mar 16, 2011 – Sparta Systems, Inc., the maker of TrackWise® and the market leader in enterprise quality and compliance management solutions, today announced that TrackWise Connection 2011, its European and North American user events, will take place from May 23-26, 2011, in Berlin, Germany, and Nov. 7-10, 2011, in Carlsbad, California. The conferences will bring together users of Sparta Systems’ market-leading TrackWise enterprise quality management software (EQMS) from around the globe to share best practices, network with peers and learn the latest tips for ensuring quality and compliance with TrackWise software.
For organizations in regulated industries, the need to manage product quality and maintain compliance with regulatory authorities remains a critical, ever-present necessity no matter where they are located. Best-in-class companies of all sizes have implemented Sparta Systems’ TrackWise EQMS system to harmonize a broad range of quality processes – including change control, audit management, investigations, deviations, Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA) and many others – while also ensuring that the data related to these events is efficiently and centrally managed for reporting to regulatory bodies. The 2011 TrackWise Connection European and North American user events will allow TrackWise software users at these companies to hear from Sparta Systems employees, industry experts and like-minded peers about the latest features, functionality and strategies that will help them better leverage their EQMS implementations.
When and where:
TrackWise Connection 2011: Fourth Annual European User Conference
May 23-26, 2011
The Westin Grand
Friedrichstrasse 158-164 – 10117 Berlin
TrackWise Connection 2011: Ninth Annual North American User Conference
Nov. 6-10, 2011
The Park Hyatt Aviara
7100 Aviara Resort Dr.
Carlsbad, CA 92011
OsoBio Featured in Contract Pharma Article: “Risk-MaPP and Multi-Use Facilities” Contract Pharma
Mar 07, 2011 – No doubt that the Risk-MaPP approach is state-of-the-art thinking when it comes to managing the risk of cross-contamination. David Cockburn of the EMA declared as much at the launch of the new Baseline Guide in Washington, DC this past October. Although the EMA has some minor issues with the document, Mr. Cockburn acknowledged the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) for its efforts in translating a 2005 EMEA concept paper dealing with the need for updated GMP guidance concerning Dedicated Manufacturing Facilities in the Manufacture of Certain Medicinal Products into a practical reality.
ISPE recently launched its new Baseline Guide, Risk-Based Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products, A Guide to Managing Risks Associated with Cross-Contamination (Risk-MaPP), in Europe and the U.S. both to acclaim and tough criticism. Hard questions indicated areas for improvement and areas that need further education and explanation. Let’s explore some of the questions and issues raised during the first two launch sessions.
Health-Based Limits
The cornerstone of the Risk-MaPP document is the use of health-based limits, which are referenced as the acceptable daily exposure (ADE) to determine cleaning limits, cross-contamination limits and acceptable risk. The ADE is defined as the dose that is unlikely to cause an adverse effect if an individual is exposed by any route, at or below this dose every day for a lifetime. By the definition, the risk would be acceptable if the results of cleaning data and cross-contamination data indicated levels below the ADE.
One attendee felt the ADE was too conservative because it assumes that an individual would be exposed to the cross-contamination for a lifetime. This really isn’t feasible because a batch produces a finite amount of product. Other attendees disagreed because the root cause of the cross-contamination could be a systemic issue and not a batch only issue. In addition, the product receiving the ADE amount or lower of another product could be a drug that is taken daily for a lifetime such as insulin-lowering drugs or blood pressure medicines.
This dialogue is important because it does show that the development of the ADE includes some conservatism and that adding additional safety factors to cleaning limits, etc., without justification does not protect the patient any better and may cause manufacturers to employ more costly measures to meet the newly lowered limits. The guide discusses how route adjustments can be made to cleaning limits when there is appropriate scientific justification.
During the launch sessions the EMA indicated that updated wording for the revisions to the EU GMP clauses 3.6, 5.18 and 5.19 with regards to cross-contamination and the need for dedicated facilities may be available soon. The EMA is clear that input from toxicologists is required when using risk assessments to confirm that use of multi-product facilities is safe. They are currently debating the use of a toxicological tool to determine the health-based limits. While the ADE approach is outlined in Risk-MaPP and ICH Q3C outlines the PDE method for residual solvents, the EMA is considering providing a more prescriptive tool based on either of these methods that eliminates any room for interpretation. Specifically the EMA is considering dictating the use of safety (uncertainty) factors to eliminate the variability in the limits established by different toxicologists.
The danger in having the EMA dictate the safety factors is that manufacturers could bypass the toxicological input, since the variables for determining the health-based limit will already have been defined, leaving no room for the incorporation of the professional judgment of the toxicologist. This will perpetuate the status quo, where the cleaning validation department sets the limits without discussing the hazards with a toxicologist and not allowing the proper professionals to interpret the data and assist in the risk assessment and limit-setting activities. Ideally, if you allow the toxicologists to participate and use their professional knowledge, a better understanding of the compounds and the hazards will proliferate throughout the organization rather than leaving individuals to calculate formulas without truly understanding the impact of their actions.
As stated above, Risk-MaPP suggests using ADE values to determine cleaning limits. In essence the ADE value would replace the 1/1000th of a low clinical dose (LCD) or the 10 ppm in rinse water to calculate cleaning limits.
Change can be difficult and some attendees defended the use of 1/1000th of the LCD and the 10 ppm models. It is important to remember that these traditional methods may be over- or under-protective of patient health. To illustrate the point refer to the tablebelow. The first three compounds have the same lowest therapeutic dose at 1 mg but have varying levels of teratogenic activity. Using the 1/1000th of the LCD or 10 ppm to set cleaning limits does not address these varying teratogenic effects, whereas using the ADE method takes these effects into consideration, as can be seen in the table. The fourth compound in the table actually has a higher lowest therapeutic dose and therefore the cleaning limits based on the 1/1000th of the LCD would also be correspondingly higher. The compound is of much more concern due to the teratogenic effects that appear at a lower dosage. The ADE derived using the teratogenic effects as the critical effect is 10 times lower than 1/1000th of the LCD. In this case, using 1/1000th of the LCD to set the cleaning limits would not be adequately protective of patient health.
So to summarize this point, unless the health-based limits are obtained, it is unclear if the limits used are over- or under-protective of patient health.
Some manufacturers may select cleaning limits based on the lowest of the values obtained by using the ADE, 1/1000th of the LCD or 10 ppm methods, which is conservative and protective of patient health. But these manufacturers are losing the opportunity to be green and cost effective. It has been established that using the ADE to determine cleaning limits is safe and that setting the limits lower doesn’t provide additional safety to the patient. But this practice may drive the company to dedicated or disposable parts/equipment, to more rigorous cleaning than necessary, or even to more cleaning failures. To be clear, the guide is not advocating that manufacturers should clean just enough to pass the limits; this is where the safety threshold value (STV) concept is important (see below).
Another important distinction is that Risk-MaPP replaces the maximum allowable carryover (MAC) term with the STV. The reasoning for this change is twofold:
First, the STV is just that: a safety threshold. If your data shows you have exceeded the STV, your product is adulterated and cannot be sold. The MAC term has erroneously led some to believe that it is “acceptable” to carry over large amounts of a compound into the next process so long as the amount is at or below the calculated value. Some may believe that they can also carry over amounts up to the STV value, even when the value is quite large. Obviously this is not acceptable. This is where the GMP requirement for visually clean equipment surfaces plays an important role. As reinforced in the visual limits workshop at the launch sessions, even under less than ideal conditions, the human eye can see fairly low residue concentrations (less than 1 mcg/cm2). So in situations where the health-based limits are high, visual limits could be used to bring some sensibility to assessment of the amount that could be carried over to the next product.
Second it is necessary to know the STV so that the risk due to cleaning/retention can be quantified. This risk is quantified by determining the distance between the actual cleaning data and the calculated STV. This distance is the margin of safety the cleaning process achieves.
As cleaning data is gathered, statistical analysis should be used to set process control limits, including alert and action limits. By using a tiered limit scheme if the process starts to drift out of the normal/expected operating range, an alert can be sent so that more attention or an investigation can be given to the process with possible corrective action completed before the process exceeds the action limits or the limits that would require rejection of the product. By understanding the process capability of the cleaning process and setting the process control limits based on this capability, a manufacturer can have confidence and evidence in their ability to minimize the risk of cross-contamination due to cleaning.
Case Studies
Two case studies were presented during the launch sessions by Oso Biopharmaceuticals and élan Drug Technologies. The OsoBio case study was for a multi-product parenteral facility and the élan one was for a multi-product facility with various dosage forms. Both case studies used failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to thoroughly review their risk of cross-contamination, but to start they needed to get a firm handle on the compounds they process. A matrix of compounds was developed that included basic information such as product name, ADE (if known), batches processed per year, weight of the API per batch and doses per batch. This helped them determine where to focus the risk analysis efforts. When processing many compounds in a facility, it is not feasible to analyze each possible combination of compounds.
Both companies found that the matrix alone provided some valuable insight into their operations and coupled with an in-depth FMEA exercise gave the companies a thorough understanding of their products, processes and facilities. This understanding was perpetuated throughout the company via the risk assessment process. The return on the investment is now priceless, as staff truly understand why something is done a certain way and compliance to the procedures is improved. In addition, with a better understanding, better and quicker decisions can be made.
Quality Systems and the Product Lifecycle
Although Risk-MaPP mirrors the ICH Q9 document, aspects are also inline with both ICH Q8 and Q10. Two presentations were provided that discussed how Risk-MaPP principles can apply to the product lifecycle and be incorporated into the company’s quality system. Q8 discusses pharmaceutical development and how that information is used to provide a better understanding of the processes and products for reviewers and inspectors. It also discusses how, with better understanding of the products and processes, a manufacturer may have greater regulatory flexibility. Clearly the approach in Risk-MaPP, amplified through the case studies, providesa greater understanding of the facilities, processes and products produced in a multi-product facility. This knowledge should help a manufacturer safely produce medicines while allowing flexibility in the manner in which cross-contamination is controlled.
Q10 outlines a model for a pharmaceutical quality system. Quality risk management is a subset of the quality system. The quality system includes policies, standards, procedures and the organizational responsibilities. In the context of Risk-MaPP, the following may apply:
1.A manufacturer should have a policy that stateswhat acceptable risk is. Acceptable risk should not be determined by the project team or vary from site to siteor from phase to phase (e.g. R&D to commercial).
2.Standards should be set for scoring of risks such asseverity, occurrence and detection and where the action points (e.g. no action required, investigate or stopimmediately) are for the levels of risk (e.g. low, mediumor high risk or risk priority number ranges).
3.Procedures can be developed for the use of riskmanagement tools.
4.Organizational responsibilities should explain who”owns” the quality risk management plan, who thestakeholders are, etc.
Producing medicines entails some level of risk. Under-standing and managing the risk is a requirement for providing safe medicines to the public. Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse; neither is “that’s how we did it before.” ISPE, as a catalyst for change, has provided the industry with a practical method to employ ICH Q9 to manage the risk of cross-contamination. Several excerpts from recent FDA warning letters or 483s indicate the FDA expects manufacturers to assess the risk of cross-contamination when using multi-product facilities. For example, this excerpt from a 2010 Warning Letter supports the principles within Risk-MaPP: “FDA encourages sound risk assessment approaches to address hazard identification, exposure consequences, and implement controls designed to prevent and detect cross-contamination. To achieve an acceptable level of risk require sound and risk-based assurance that one drug does not contaminate another drug.”
As Edwin Melendez of the FDA stated during the DC launch, this guide helps make the current practice as referenced by the “c” in the cGMPs available to all manufacturers, large and small. He also stated this approach applies not only to highly hazardous compounds, but equally to all compounds, including aspirin.
OsoBio Featured in Contract Pharma Article: "Risk-MaPP and Multi-Use Facilities" Contract Pharma
Mar 07, 2011 – No doubt that the Risk-MaPP approach is state-of-the-art thinking when it comes to managing the risk of cross-contamination. David Cockburn of the EMA declared as much at the launch of the new Baseline Guide in Washington, DC this past October. Although the EMA has some minor issues with the document, Mr. Cockburn acknowledged the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) for its efforts in translating a 2005 EMEA concept paper dealing with the need for updated GMP guidance concerning Dedicated Manufacturing Facilities in the Manufacture of Certain Medicinal Products into a practical reality.
ISPE recently launched its new Baseline Guide, Risk-Based Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Products, A Guide to Managing Risks Associated with Cross-Contamination (Risk-MaPP), in Europe and the U.S. both to acclaim and tough criticism. Hard questions indicated areas for improvement and areas that need further education and explanation. Let’s explore some of the questions and issues raised during the first two launch sessions.
Health-Based Limits
The cornerstone of the Risk-MaPP document is the use of health-based limits, which are referenced as the acceptable daily exposure (ADE) to determine cleaning limits, cross-contamination limits and acceptable risk. The ADE is defined as the dose that is unlikely to cause an adverse effect if an individual is exposed by any route, at or below this dose every day for a lifetime. By the definition, the risk would be acceptable if the results of cleaning data and cross-contamination data indicated levels below the ADE.
One attendee felt the ADE was too conservative because it assumes that an individual would be exposed to the cross-contamination for a lifetime. This really isn’t feasible because a batch produces a finite amount of product. Other attendees disagreed because the root cause of the cross-contamination could be a systemic issue and not a batch only issue. In addition, the product receiving the ADE amount or lower of another product could be a drug that is taken daily for a lifetime such as insulin-lowering drugs or blood pressure medicines.
This dialogue is important because it does show that the development of the ADE includes some conservatism and that adding additional safety factors to cleaning limits, etc., without justification does not protect the patient any better and may cause manufacturers to employ more costly measures to meet the newly lowered limits. The guide discusses how route adjustments can be made to cleaning limits when there is appropriate scientific justification.
During the launch sessions the EMA indicated that updated wording for the revisions to the EU GMP clauses 3.6, 5.18 and 5.19 with regards to cross-contamination and the need for dedicated facilities may be available soon. The EMA is clear that input from toxicologists is required when using risk assessments to confirm that use of multi-product facilities is safe. They are currently debating the use of a toxicological tool to determine the health-based limits. While the ADE approach is outlined in Risk-MaPP and ICH Q3C outlines the PDE method for residual solvents, the EMA is considering providing a more prescriptive tool based on either of these methods that eliminates any room for interpretation. Specifically the EMA is considering dictating the use of safety (uncertainty) factors to eliminate the variability in the limits established by different toxicologists.
The danger in having the EMA dictate the safety factors is that manufacturers could bypass the toxicological input, since the variables for determining the health-based limit will already have been defined, leaving no room for the incorporation of the professional judgment of the toxicologist. This will perpetuate the status quo, where the cleaning validation department sets the limits without discussing the hazards with a toxicologist and not allowing the proper professionals to interpret the data and assist in the risk assessment and limit-setting activities. Ideally, if you allow the toxicologists to participate and use their professional knowledge, a better understanding of the compounds and the hazards will proliferate throughout the organization rather than leaving individuals to calculate formulas without truly understanding the impact of their actions.
As stated above, Risk-MaPP suggests using ADE values to determine cleaning limits. In essence the ADE value would replace the 1/1000th of a low clinical dose (LCD) or the 10 ppm in rinse water to calculate cleaning limits.
Change can be difficult and some attendees defended the use of 1/1000th of the LCD and the 10 ppm models. It is important to remember that these traditional methods may be over- or under-protective of patient health. To illustrate the point refer to the tablebelow. The first three compounds have the same lowest therapeutic dose at 1 mg but have varying levels of teratogenic activity. Using the 1/1000th of the LCD or 10 ppm to set cleaning limits does not address these varying teratogenic effects, whereas using the ADE method takes these effects into consideration, as can be seen in the table. The fourth compound in the table actually has a higher lowest therapeutic dose and therefore the cleaning limits based on the 1/1000th of the LCD would also be correspondingly higher. The compound is of much more concern due to the teratogenic effects that appear at a lower dosage. The ADE derived using the teratogenic effects as the critical effect is 10 times lower than 1/1000th of the LCD. In this case, using 1/1000th of the LCD to set the cleaning limits would not be adequately protective of patient health.
So to summarize this point, unless the health-based limits are obtained, it is unclear if the limits used are over- or under-protective of patient health.
Some manufacturers may select cleaning limits based on the lowest of the values obtained by using the ADE, 1/1000th of the LCD or 10 ppm methods, which is conservative and protective of patient health. But these manufacturers are losing the opportunity to be green and cost effective. It has been established that using the ADE to determine cleaning limits is safe and that setting the limits lower doesn’t provide additional safety to the patient. But this practice may drive the company to dedicated or disposable parts/equipment, to more rigorous cleaning than necessary, or even to more cleaning failures. To be clear, the guide is not advocating that manufacturers should clean just enough to pass the limits; this is where the safety threshold value (STV) concept is important (see below).
Another important distinction is that Risk-MaPP replaces the maximum allowable carryover (MAC) term with the STV. The reasoning for this change is twofold:
First, the STV is just that: a safety threshold. If your data shows you have exceeded the STV, your product is adulterated and cannot be sold. The MAC term has erroneously led some to believe that it is “acceptable” to carry over large amounts of a compound into the next process so long as the amount is at or below the calculated value. Some may believe that they can also carry over amounts up to the STV value, even when the value is quite large. Obviously this is not acceptable. This is where the GMP requirement for visually clean equipment surfaces plays an important role. As reinforced in the visual limits workshop at the launch sessions, even under less than ideal conditions, the human eye can see fairly low residue concentrations (less than 1 mcg/cm2). So in situations where the health-based limits are high, visual limits could be used to bring some sensibility to assessment of the amount that could be carried over to the next product.
Second it is necessary to know the STV so that the risk due to cleaning/retention can be quantified. This risk is quantified by determining the distance between the actual cleaning data and the calculated STV. This distance is the margin of safety the cleaning process achieves.
As cleaning data is gathered, statistical analysis should be used to set process control limits, including alert and action limits. By using a tiered limit scheme if the process starts to drift out of the normal/expected operating range, an alert can be sent so that more attention or an investigation can be given to the process with possible corrective action completed before the process exceeds the action limits or the limits that would require rejection of the product. By understanding the process capability of the cleaning process and setting the process control limits based on this capability, a manufacturer can have confidence and evidence in their ability to minimize the risk of cross-contamination due to cleaning.
Case Studies
Two case studies were presented during the launch sessions by Oso Biopharmaceuticals and élan Drug Technologies. The OsoBio case study was for a multi-product parenteral facility and the élan one was for a multi-product facility with various dosage forms. Both case studies used failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to thoroughly review their risk of cross-contamination, but to start they needed to get a firm handle on the compounds they process. A matrix of compounds was developed that included basic information such as product name, ADE (if known), batches processed per year, weight of the API per batch and doses per batch. This helped them determine where to focus the risk analysis efforts. When processing many compounds in a facility, it is not feasible to analyze each possible combination of compounds.
Both companies found that the matrix alone provided some valuable insight into their operations and coupled with an in-depth FMEA exercise gave the companies a thorough understanding of their products, processes and facilities. This understanding was perpetuated throughout the company via the risk assessment process. The return on the investment is now priceless, as staff truly understand why something is done a certain way and compliance to the procedures is improved. In addition, with a better understanding, better and quicker decisions can be made.
Quality Systems and the Product Lifecycle
Although Risk-MaPP mirrors the ICH Q9 document, aspects are also inline with both ICH Q8 and Q10. Two presentations were provided that discussed how Risk-MaPP principles can apply to the product lifecycle and be incorporated into the company’s quality system. Q8 discusses pharmaceutical development and how that information is used to provide a better understanding of the processes and products for reviewers and inspectors. It also discusses how, with better understanding of the products and processes, a manufacturer may have greater regulatory flexibility. Clearly the approach in Risk-MaPP, amplified through the case studies, providesa greater understanding of the facilities, processes and products produced in a multi-product facility. This knowledge should help a manufacturer safely produce medicines while allowing flexibility in the manner in which cross-contamination is controlled.
Q10 outlines a model for a pharmaceutical quality system. Quality risk management is a subset of the quality system. The quality system includes policies, standards, procedures and the organizational responsibilities. In the context of Risk-MaPP, the following may apply:
1.A manufacturer should have a policy that stateswhat acceptable risk is. Acceptable risk should not be determined by the project team or vary from site to siteor from phase to phase (e.g. R&D to commercial).
2.Standards should be set for scoring of risks such asseverity, occurrence and detection and where the action points (e.g. no action required, investigate or stopimmediately) are for the levels of risk (e.g. low, mediumor high risk or risk priority number ranges).
3.Procedures can be developed for the use of riskmanagement tools.
4.Organizational responsibilities should explain who”owns” the quality risk management plan, who thestakeholders are, etc.
Producing medicines entails some level of risk. Under-standing and managing the risk is a requirement for providing safe medicines to the public. Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse; neither is “that’s how we did it before.” ISPE, as a catalyst for change, has provided the industry with a practical method to employ ICH Q9 to manage the risk of cross-contamination. Several excerpts from recent FDA warning letters or 483s indicate the FDA expects manufacturers to assess the risk of cross-contamination when using multi-product facilities. For example, this excerpt from a 2010 Warning Letter supports the principles within Risk-MaPP: “FDA encourages sound risk assessment approaches to address hazard identification, exposure consequences, and implement controls designed to prevent and detect cross-contamination. To achieve an acceptable level of risk require sound and risk-based assurance that one drug does not contaminate another drug.”
As Edwin Melendez of the FDA stated during the DC launch, this guide helps make the current practice as referenced by the “c” in the cGMPs available to all manufacturers, large and small. He also stated this approach applies not only to highly hazardous compounds, but equally to all compounds, including aspirin.
HealthTech to Participate in NRHA Rural Health Conference May 3-6
Franklin, TN Mar 3, 2011 — HealthTech will be a gold sponsor exhibitor at the upcoming National Rural Health Association (NRHA) Rural Health Conference in Austin, Texas this May.
During the conference attendees will have a chance to win an iPad 2 by visiting HealthTech’s exhibitor booth #300. To enter the drawing, you must be a participant of the conference and fill out an entry form at our booth. The drawing will be held before 2:30 p.m. on May 4.
HealthTech is a gold-level corporate partner with the NRHA which is an advocate for rural healthcare across the United States.