Solving the Remittance (835) Data Management Problem – GAFFEY Health announces the release of the GAFFEY ClaimCPR™ – Remittance360

Plano, TX Feb 2, 2017: GAFFEY Health continues to deliver against the financial demands of its customers by expanding the company’s ability to provide a suite of Revenue Integrity tools based on our revenue cycle automation platform in a cost effective manner. Data acquisition from disparate core operating systems is the single largest challenge for healthcare providers in being able to access and utilize RCM software tools today to ensure that services are paid for correctly and in a timely manner. The complexity of this challenge is accelerating rapidly with the vast number of value based care models that demand integration of a larger number of disparate data sources.
Healthcare entities of all types and sizes fight denials and underpayments on a daily basis. Much of the information necessary to identify, manage and reduce these denials and underpayments is located in the remittances (835’s) that are provided with payment by the payor. The challenge has always been in having the ability to translate the data into usable information for the facility to act on.
GAFFEY’s ClaimCPR – Click.Process.Recover™ is a healthcare Revenue Integrity platform built on GAFFEY’s Data Integration Engine. ClaimCPR™ was built to provide a number of automated cost effective Revenue Integrity tools. Remittance360 is the first module of the new platform. Remittance360 is a data management and analysis tool for 835 (EDI remittance) data feeds. The tool enables the user to automatically import 835’s into a standardized data platform and then provides the ability to query, analyze, export and print EOB’s. There are a number of embedded tools with Remittance360 that automatically identify denials and potential underpayments enabling the end user to identify and manage revenue leakage almost immediately.
“Revenue integrity and leakage continues to be a major issue for all providers. Cost effective data acquisition for revenue integrity tools has prevented smaller entities from being able to afford these tools,” stated Derek Morkel, GAFFEY CEO. “We recognized that being able to provide a series of tools that focuses on revenue integrity using our Data Integration Engine was the key to making them effective and affordable. ClaimCPR™ Remittance360 is the first module that targets easy to identify denials and underpayments at a price that any entity can afford.”
GAFFEY Healthcare provides revenue cycle technology and services that enable health care organizations to accelerate cash flow, improve productivity and increase profitability with short-term and demonstrable ROI. From patient eligibility and payment verification to billing and claims management to third-party collections, their software relies upon cloud-based, state-of-the art workflow supported by a business intelligence platform. GAFFEY’s systems are in use at more than 200 healthcare systems and physician practices across the U.S.
Jennifer LeMieux GAFFEY Health