Revolutionary M2S Preview® product reaches milestone with 300,000 Cardiovascular 3D Imaging Reconstructions

West Lebanon, NH Oct 13, 2015 – M2S®, Inc., a leader and innovator in technology for quality improvement in healthcare has now completed over 300,000 high quality cardiovascular 3D reconstructions for clients. M2S has provided cardiovascular imaging services and Preview® surgical planning software to over 400 hospitals and 1,000 vascular surgeons and surgical teams, both in the United States, and internationally.
Preview has helped to revolutionize the way in which cardiovascular disease is evaluated, treated and monitored. It provides specialized hyper-accurate measurements, provides treatment planning assistance, and is an integral part of the follow up surveillance and long-term care for high-risk patients. The images received for 3D Preview reconstruction and clinical trial assessment are primarily CT’s, but MRA’s, X-rays and ultrasounds are also used to develop the most comprehensive 3D reconstruction of the relevant anatomy. The average data set provided to M2S for Preview purposes is approximately 1,000 images, resulting in a database of close to 300 million individual medical images.
Founded in 1997, M2S (previously Medical Media Systems, Inc) started as a small R&D firm. In 2000, Preview was granted approval from the FDA as a Class II medical device, which allowed the company to begin providing products and services on a commercial basis. The usage of Preview has grown in the vascular medical community, and the 300,000 Preview reconstructions have been created over a span of 15 years.
Greg Lange, President and CEO at M2S, says “From the initial development of devices for EVAR, M2S has been helping surgeons with cardiovascular case planning and patient surveillance. Our Preview product and PEMS system provide exceptional tools for understanding the patient’s unique anatomy, visualizing graft placement, determining the best treatment plan and managing patients over time. We are incredibly proud to have touched this many lives and enabled the best clinical outcomes.”
Many vascular surgeons are long-term Preview users, and have integrated it into their case planning year after year. “M2S has always provided a high quality product enabling long term surveillance projects, such as SVS VQI, and other critical study support including core lab analysis,” said Dr. Rod White, who has been using M2S since its inception. “We rely on the data provided by M2S for routine clinical care and surveillance, and have benefited by having complex case planning provided to support commercial and Physician Sponsored IDE development and data analysis. I am also impressed by the level of dedication and expertise demonstrated by the M2s employees – consistently reliable and always focused on patient care.”