GAFFEY Healthcare Webinar – Does Your Business Office Run with the Efficiency of a Swiss Watch?

Plano, TX and Pleasanton, CA Feb 5, 2015– When it comes to improving your facility’s cash flow, having the right tools and processes in place is paramount. Many healthcare organizations, both large and small, suffer from having inefficient billing and collections systems as a part of their revenue cycle infrastructure, and as a result, leave millions of dollars in patient revenue on the table.
To help resolve this issue, we developed two leading web-based collections management and claim statusing applications – AlphaCollector & AutoStatus.
AlphaCollector’s cloud-based virtual business office platform simplifies collections workflow and provides unprecedented reporting capabilities while AutoStatus interfaces with payers & Medicare to status electronic claims automatically, eliminating the process of retrieving and updating claims manually. When combined, business offices can eliminate non-value added touches by automatically statusing claims and putting them into a workflow for collections.
Features and benefits of AlphaCollector & AutoStatus:
• Maintain a single point of control over all your AR streams from one system
• Integrate with any patient accounting practice management system
• Increase collector productivity up to 75% and save an average of 15% on the cost per collector
• Reduce management oversight time by up to 80%
• Cloud-based architecture requires no hardware or licensing fees
• Analyze AR on any data points and for multiple facilities
• Assign accounts by collector(s) to create work groups
• Review hundreds of account notes in one snapshot
• Leverage aggregated data for vastly improved oversight and decision making
• Integration of AutoStatus with AlphaCollector improves collections by automating tasks and queuing claims into workflow technology