Expanded One-Way Lease Options Available

Dayton, OH Sep 02, 2015 – CSafe Global is pleased to announce a significant expansion of its available one-way trip lease options. CSafe Lessees can now return CSafe RKNs at no fee to more than half of the service centers in the CSafe network. In addition, new one-way options allow Lessees to end their lease in an additional 20 out-of-network CSafe locations with CSafe handling the container return transportation for a small additional fee.
“Post-lease container logistics have just gotten a lot easier,” remarked Mark Mohr, CSafe’s Director of Partner Management and Customer Support. “Our new one-way lease options provide for greatly enhanced container return choices and offers potential significant reductions in return logistics costs for customers choosing CSafe containers.”
For additional details contact your local CSafe Global representative or email Leasing@CSafeGlobal.com.