Chemical Computing Group Announces the Winners of the CCG Research Excellence Awards for the Fall 2017 ACS National Meeting

Chemical Computing Group (CCG) and the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) Division of Medicinal Chemistry (MEDI) congratulate the winners of the CCG Excellence Awards for the Fall 2017 ACS National Meeting in Washington, DC.
The award winners’ research will be recognized at the MEDI Division Poster Session on Sunday, August 20th, 2017. Each winner will receive an award certificate, a one-year MOE (Molecular Operating Environment) software license for the winners’ research group, as well as financial support to cover their travel costs to Washington.
The winners are:

  • Saloni Patel, Duquesne University, group of Patrick Flaherty
  • Britanny Morgan, Duke University, group of Amanda Hargrove

About CCG Research Excellence Awards
The Chemical Computing Group (CCG) Excellence Awards were created to recognize and promote young scientists who use computational chemistry to further their scientific research. For more information about the CCG Excellence Awards, please visit:
About Chemical Computing Group
CCG (Chemical Computing Group) is a leading supplier of software solutions for life sciences. With a proven track record in scientific innovation, CCG continues to provide state-of-the-art applications in drug discovery to pharmaceutical, biotechnology and academic researchers. CCG’s software platform is the Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) which is used by computational chemists, medicinal chemists and biologists in the major pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies throughout the world. CCG has a very strong reputation for collaborative scientific support, maintaining support offices in both Europe and North America. Founded in 1994, CCG is headquartered in Montreal, Canada. For more information visit: